Why Boys Should Learn To Cook

Cooking is something that is mostly associated with girls.By the time a girl enters adolescence, she is expected to learn all the skills of cookery.Honestly I still cannot understand why the same does not go for boys.Why is cooking such a necessity for girls? Gone is the time when education was just for boys and girls were expected to sit at home and do all the chores and cook for the husband.Now as far as I know, girls and boys are..equal.Am I right? Then why should boys not learn to cook?

There are many reasons as to why boys SHOULD learn to cook.

First and foremost, I d like to answer my own question,  cooking is a necessity for girls for their own good, the art of cooking is one of the most important arts in the world.Mostly girls learn to cook because the responsibily of the kitchen lies with them in future ( this is India right? ) But I say that cooking should be learnt for onself only, not for anyone else.It gives you independence, when there's no one at home you and there's nothing to eat, you can just make something youself! you dont have to wait for anyone to make it for you.The same thing goes for boys, boys can also learn to cook, for this very reason.Cooking is a good skill to have, firstly there's no harm at learning, and secondly it makes you different, I mean it makes a boy different than just someone who depends on his mom or wife to cook for him. 

The second reason for boys to learn cooking is, that this particular talent, makes you more valuable and attractive to girls, I cannot think of a girl who doesn't like a guy who cooks for her.And believe me it makes you even cooler.Girls are definitely partial to guys who cook, the reasons are many for that one of them being, it gives them a break from cooking, instead she ll have someone else cook for her for a change. 

Another reason is for couples, cooking can really be a fun activity if its done together that too by couples.Instead of going out to eat in a restraunt together you guys can cook together if you both are cooks.It has got alot of benefits, the best being you too can get alot more closer to each other during the process, if you know what I mean, you can cook whatever you want, you can even experiment and then you can enjoy the results together. 

I am sure there are many more reasons as to why boys should learn to cook but I am very surprised that I still cannot think of any reason for boys to not learn to cook.Can you think of any? If you can then please comment and tell me.


P.S : Please dont write that boys should not learn how to cook because they dont want to.Girls can also give the same reason and then boys will have no excuse to not cook.Got my point? I know you didn't never mind don't stress your brain. 

Article Written by rocketgirl

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